Managing the Channel


FMI is based in the Kingdom of Bahrain, ideally situated in the Arabian Gulf.  Our proximity to the greater Middle East, Asia and Europe provides a strategic advantage to businesses  worldwide interested in outsourcing their international sales, marketing  and customer service requirements through a single point of contact based in the Middle East. 


FMI understands the challenges that the international business arena can present and is committed to accommodating commerce across borders.  Our mandate is clear; offer unique value-added local marketing solutions to organizations that have made a commitment to entering the Middle East marketplace.


 Some key benefits of our services:  


ü       Ongoing contact via phone, email, in-country visits and scheduled meetings with principal, distributors, partners and resellers.

ü       Communication and ‘closing the loop’ of sales and marketing programs with distributor/reseller/customers.

ü       Identification of knowledge gaps, training and local marketing preferences.

ü       Measurement of marketing outcomes.

ü       Product and sales training to regional distributors and resellers.

ü       Sales reports and feedback in accordance with the principal’s requirements.

ü       Establishment of sales targets for each channel partner and country.

ü       Assessment of market dynamics and identification of realistic opportunities for each country, distributor, region.

ü       Identification of networks strengths and weaknesses and propose measures to motivate change.

ü       Liaison with the principal to identify, qualify and appoint new channel partners.

ü       Customer Relationship Management.

ü       Oversee Supply Chain - warehousing, logistics & customs.

ü       Oversee Compliance with local regulations

ü       Identify and participate in industry trade shows.

ü       Coordinate promotional events such as conferences, retail outlet openings etc.

ü       Unwavering commitment to relationship building and customer service.